
Showing posts from May, 2019

alignment as soon as you can

The program is the most expensive military weapons system in history, and it has been the object of much criticism from those inside and outside government in the US and in allied countries. Critics argue that the plane is "plagued with design flaws," with many blaming the procurement process in which Lockheed was allowed "to design, test, and produce the F 35 all at the same time, instead of. [identifying and fixing] defects before firing up its production line." By 2014, the program was "$163 billion over budget [and] seven years behind schedule." Critics further contend that the program's high sunk costs and political momentum make it "too big to kill.". Cheap Jerseys from china Use a paint pen and mark top dead center of the top bolt of the bottom attachment of the strut. There are two bolts that attach your strut to the knuckle, the top one is the camber bolt, you will need an alignment after this. Marking the top of it and putting it